Guild Information

Elite Guild Vault

Our Guild Vault is a good way to share with other members of the guild. To prevent the GV gets filled up with junk, we set up a few rules to keep it as clean as possible and useful too. An explanation on the guild bank tabs:

1) Gear and weapon -
Only officers and higher ranking members can withdraw from this tab. All others can deposit. In this tab you will find BoE epics from raids, crafted items, upgrades and similar items that can help your character. If you need something from that tab, talk to one of the officers.

2) Consumables -
Pretty straight forward, name explains it. You will find HP / MP pots, food and buff food ( well fed ) in this tab. Also glyphs and scrolls that can help and boost your character are stored here.

3) Jewelcrafting -
Here you can find all sort of raw and ready gems for your need.

4) Herbalism -
In this tab you will find most herbs, eternals and primals that you might need.

5) Materials -
All materials that are needed for any trade skill can be found here.

6) Raid supply -
Materials for our guild raid are stored in this tab.

Now on to explanation what is not to go in. Any level of greens will be removed from the GV, they are not needed since they are dropping fast and you get them a lot from quests. Materials are not to be lower than 300. Scrolls are not to be lower than level 80. Blue 75+ items are welcome. Low level epics that have special skills are welcome too. For example: [Hammer of the Northern Wind]. When you put in cloth materials, don't make them into bolts, someone might use those to level first aid. All junk that is found will be deleted / sold. Money that comes from that junk will be put into GV.